Hello, the game version is no longer available for download as I am making many modifications to it. Episode 1 will soon be complete and no longer compatible with old saves. I recommend waiting before playing. As soon as it is available, the links will be accessible, and if you have purchased it, you will be able to download it for free.
I purchased the game on my phone, but when I click the download your purchase button from my email on my PC, it takes me to a page to download the demo... plz help :(
L'épisode 2 est encore loin d'être terminé, ce que tu as vu n’est que le début de l’épisode.
Au printemps prochain, la version finale de l’épisode 1 sortira sur Steam et sera également disponible en téléchargement ici pour ceux qui ont déjà acheté l’Ep1. Cette version inclura du contenu inédit, de nouvelles scènes avant le déménagement, ainsi que les chemins manquants (comme le lundi soir avec Lexie ou rentrer seul chez soi).
Je développe JASON tout seul. Jusqu’à maintenant, j’y travaillais sur mon temps libre, mais j’espère pouvoir m’y consacrer pleinement bientôt afin de proposer du contenu plus rapidement dans les mois à venir. Je suis bien trop exigeant pour travailler avec d’autres personnes… et elles ne me supporteraient probablement pas !
Pour la suite, je vais me concentrer exclusivement sur l’avancement de l’Ep2, avec pour objectif de sortir des mises à jour plus régulières tout au long des années à venir. Il est également prévu d’ajouter les histoires annexes comme ONE SHOT (Ep1 et 2) et GHD, que je compte terminer pour Noël 2025.
Hi, and thank you for your comment!
Episode 2 is still far from finished; what you’ve seen is only the beginning of the episode.
Next spring, the final version of Episode 1 will be released on Steam and also available for download here for those who have already purchased Ep1. This version will include brand-new content, additional scenes before the move, and the missing paths (like Monday night with Lexie or going home alone).
I’m developing JASON all by myself. Up until now, I’ve been working on it in my spare time, but I’m hoping to fully dedicate myself to it soon, so I can release content more quickly in the coming months. I’m way too much of a perfectionist to work with others… and they probably wouldn’t be able to put up with me!
Moving forward, I’ll be focusing exclusively on advancing Ep2, aiming to release updates more regularly over the coming years. I also plan to add side stories like ONE SHOT (Ep1 and 2) and GHD, which I’m hoping to finish by Christmas 2025.
Hello Nomadic, to continue, simply load your latest save made on version V0.10.0 and click on the small orange folder icon that appears in the top left corner of your screen.
If you're starting on version V0.11.1, click on the "Ja" icon and then on Start.
I know it's not very clear, but I'll change that after the Steam release!
Yes, but not right away. There's some exclusive content missing that I'll be adding to the Steam version. After that, the itch versions will be aligned with Steam. Thank you for your understanding. For your information, Episode 2 currently includes Episode 1, so enjoy it ;)
This game is Fantastic! Just seen the trailer and its Amazing!!! Just wanted to ask, Steam version will have animated characters or like parts of the game. Can't wait it to come to steam and buy it! Good luck and wish you best!
Thank you for your comment! Yes, in the Steam version, there will be more animations similar to what you saw in the trailer. The Steam version will also showcase the final quality I’m aiming for in upcoming episodes. Compared to the current version, the user interface (UI) will have undergone some adjustments, and new options will be available in the game. In terms of content, there will also be new additions, including the missing Monday night route and a few extra scenes.
I’m not entirely sure how itch works—I know, it’s ironic, lol. But if you buy version V0.11 right now, you should normally get V0.11.1, which includes all the content released to date.
When the Steam version comes out, I’ll adjust the pricing structure so you’ll need Episode 1 and then purchase additional episodes for a small price. But don’t worry, you won’t need to rebuy everything. We’ll talk more about it when the time comes!
The game begins with a trip to the shrink and then the move. There's a variable error at the beginning (oops!) but it will be corrected in the next version.
In each version I propose, the previous content is present. The game is under development. All your contributions will help its development. --- A chaque version que je propose, le contenu précédent est présent. Le jeu est en cours de développement. Toutes vos participations aide à son développement.
Well.. visually the game is great!!! I can barely restrain myself from buying... but the limited choice is holding me back. Dear developers, please add more freedom to the player. For example, I don’t want to peek at Lexi in the bathroom, but I would look at her butt without panties on the stairs. later in the evening when she is sleeping, it would also make more sense to give the player a choice: remove the blanket from her and look at her crotch, or leave it alone and go to bed. and the next morning I would like to choose not to kiss her, but just say goodbye. I want to leave only friendly relations with her. It is probably difficult to implement all this, but if it is possible, I kindly ask you to do it. everyone would be happy! good luck in development!!!
and also.. when Lexi is dressed, she has small breasts, and when undressed, her breasts are larger.. or am I mistaken?
It's possible not to watch Lexie change, just as it's possible not to watch her in the bathroom. The only thing we can't do is let Lexie go in the morning without something happening. I'll see if it's possible to do it, but it won't be immediate.
Her breasts are the same size, just that the big white shirt makes her breasts bigger at times.
So in the doctor’s office, she asks you about your sexuality. Even though you answer Bi or even Gay it still hooks you up with girls. I’ve played all three paths, straight, gay and bi. Even playing the gay path, Jason hooks up with girls. Any plans on that changing? I mean, if I’m gay, I have absolutely no interest in getting with a girl.
I know! The dialogues change from time to time, but the demand for gay content is so low that I've put it aside for the moment.
Besides, I have no intention of preventing a player from seeing a scene based on his first choice. At any moment, if the choices allow it, you can choose your destiny!
Don't search anymore. :) I'd like Jason to meet some cute sexy twink with blue eyes and either blond or black hair. Can be a student or a "working boy".
Also, don't worry about us gays not wanting to see straight action. Yes, it was weird because you don't expect it when you specifically select that he's gay, but Jason is a very sexy guy, so there was still a lot to look at. :)
I'm joining your Patreon right now, to get all the bonus content and answers...
I'm gay and the straight scenes didn't bother me (there's always some guy involved to look at). The only boring scenes can be the lesbian scenes, for obvious reasons.
But yes, it's weird when you choose being gay specifically. In the full version, I'll go as bi - both the straight and gay scenes will feel natural.
The nonstandard .ttf, .otf, and .TTF font files are in renpy/common instead of in the game folder where they should be.
The result is that if somebody tries to run it with a trusted copy of Ren'Py (which I always do for malware reasons), it breaks badly. No idea if it would work when you run it by double-clicking or not.
I give the game four stars but I always give the details of my rating in the comments. Models are gorgeous and if there was any clipping issues in their design I didn't spot any. Frankly the story is way more intriguing than the game page leads you to believe with the mystical side of this visual novel. The element of " okay wait what is happening ?" is definitely present and I didn't see it coming when looking at the game page. Now why 4 and not 5? Has to do with the only real issue I have and it's a common issue which is pacing. I know there's a supernatural element involved but if there had been at least a Time skip of a week it wouldn't have felt so odd at times. The dialogue and everything is wonderfully written and different personalities captured very well. But I would have liked to have seen at least the illusion that sometime had passed and theMC had gotten time to know the characters at least in the background. But that's my personal taste I just always found the hole I know we just met but I think I love you thing kind of weird and jarring.
That being said I still think this visual novel is worth downloading to anyone who is a fan of erotic visual novels and I will be purchasing the paid version of the game in the coming days soon.
"Hello and thank you for taking the time to explain your feelings. Indeed, I agree with you about the timeline. Alex and Jason sleep together quickly. As much as with Lexie, they've known each other for a long time, with Alex it's quick. So why? Well, for two reasons. Firstly, the release requirements for the updates made me rush things (I find it hard to do quick timelines without explaining what's going on). But on the other hand, that's what happens if you choose to go home with Alex, having kissed him. In the next version, the other choices will be unlocked, and the relationship with Alex will happen if the player wants it later. Then there's the collar's grip, which makes Jason a magnet. With no control over it yet, everything seems to fall into his lap. But that's about to change. Jason is now aware of the necklace's presence, and his egoism will make him want to do without its services to go out with girls. A kind of challenge is about to set in between him and the demon."
"Bonjour et merci de prendre le temps d'expliquer vos sentiments. En effet, je suis d'accord avec vous concernant la chronologie. Alex et Jason couchent rapidement ensemble. Autant avec Lexie, ils se connaissent depuis longtemps, avec Alex c'est rapide. Alors pourquoi ? Eh bien, pour deux raisons. Tout d'abord, les exigences de publication pour les mises à jour m'ont poussé à précipiter les choses (j'ai du mal à faire des chronologies rapides sans expliquer ce qui se passe). Mais d'un autre côté, c'est ce qui se passe si vous choisissez de rentrer chez vous avec Alex, après l'avoir embrassé. Dans la prochaine version, les autres choix seront débloqués et la relation avec Alex se produira si le joueur le souhaite plus tard. Ensuite, il y a l'emprise du collier, qui fait de Jason un aimant. Sans contrôle encore, tout semble lui tomber dessus. Mais cela est sur le point de changer. Jason est maintenant conscient de la présence du collier, et son égoïsme le poussera à se passer de ses services pour sortir avec des filles. Une sorte de défi est sur le point de s'installer entre lui et le démon."
Hi, so yes, I have to take over this part but you can do it. on the left there's a set of candles on the floor. You have to click on the flame of the one on the right. It's easy on PC but not so easy on Android. I'll try to change that.
I could be blind but when I get to the alice poster, it doesnt show the floor or any candles. The screen just goes unresponsive no matter where I click until it asks me if I want to give up
Awesome gameee. I'm definitely into the mature asian from the grocery :D. I wish there will be a scene with her, I will go patreon 100% for this! great work
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Can you tell me where I have to go with Jennifer's painting? I've been trying for an hour, please.
Hi, clic on the little star !
I'm trying to download the PC version of the game I purchased, it's only giving me the demo. Please send links to full version. Thx!
Hello, the game version is no longer available for download as I am making many modifications to it. Episode 1 will soon be complete and no longer compatible with old saves. I recommend waiting before playing. As soon as it is available, the links will be accessible, and if you have purchased it, you will be able to download it for free.
I purchased the game on my phone, but when I click the download your purchase button from my email on my PC, it takes me to a page to download the demo... plz help :(
Très belle découverte! 👌
J'ai préféré l'épisode 1, au 2.
Le 1 est Bcp plus fourni, mais surtout avec plein de routes différentes.
J'aime bcp tous les kinks proposés. Les corps différents. Bcp de personnages, (trop?) on espère une histoire pour chacuns.
Question bête, mais combien êtes vous à travailler dessus? Un? Plusieurs? Faites vous aider si vous le pouvez! 😅 On aura moins à attendre.
Bon boulot en tout cas! 👍
Salut et merci pour ton commentaire !
L'épisode 2 est encore loin d'être terminé, ce que tu as vu n’est que le début de l’épisode. Au printemps prochain, la version finale de l’épisode 1 sortira sur Steam et sera également disponible en téléchargement ici pour ceux qui ont déjà acheté l’Ep1. Cette version inclura du contenu inédit, de nouvelles scènes avant le déménagement, ainsi que les chemins manquants (comme le lundi soir avec Lexie ou rentrer seul chez soi).
Je développe JASON tout seul. Jusqu’à maintenant, j’y travaillais sur mon temps libre, mais j’espère pouvoir m’y consacrer pleinement bientôt afin de proposer du contenu plus rapidement dans les mois à venir. Je suis bien trop exigeant pour travailler avec d’autres personnes… et elles ne me supporteraient probablement pas !
Pour la suite, je vais me concentrer exclusivement sur l’avancement de l’Ep2, avec pour objectif de sortir des mises à jour plus régulières tout au long des années à venir. Il est également prévu d’ajouter les histoires annexes comme ONE SHOT (Ep1 et 2) et GHD, que je compte terminer pour Noël 2025.
Hi, and thank you for your comment!
Episode 2 is still far from finished; what you’ve seen is only the beginning of the episode. Next spring, the final version of Episode 1 will be released on Steam and also available for download here for those who have already purchased Ep1. This version will include brand-new content, additional scenes before the move, and the missing paths (like Monday night with Lexie or going home alone).
I’m developing JASON all by myself. Up until now, I’ve been working on it in my spare time, but I’m hoping to fully dedicate myself to it soon, so I can release content more quickly in the coming months. I’m way too much of a perfectionist to work with others… and they probably wouldn’t be able to put up with me!
Moving forward, I’ll be focusing exclusively on advancing Ep2, aiming to release updates more regularly over the coming years. I also plan to add side stories like ONE SHOT (Ep1 and 2) and GHD, which I’m hoping to finish by Christmas 2025.
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de me répondre! Et je te souhaite bon courage pour la suite, on sera là pour te soutenir! 👍
Au top !
Hi I'm in the discord server but am confused as to where I can find the codes?
Thank you very much!
Hi i bought this for $10 what is the code for the main menu?
I am also a bronze on your patreon
Code are on the officiel Discord !
Am confused how to to start or "continue episode 2
Hello Nomadic, to continue, simply load your latest save made on version V0.10.0 and click on the small orange folder icon that appears in the top left corner of your screen.
If you're starting on version V0.11.1, click on the "Ja" icon and then on Start.
I know it's not very clear, but I'll change that after the Steam release!
Thank you kindly! Sorry it was probably more simple than I was trying to make it
I can't buy it cuz i am in germany... if i buy it here i get the same as on steam, right?
Yes, but not right away. There's some exclusive content missing that I'll be adding to the Steam version. After that, the itch versions will be aligned with Steam. Thank you for your understanding.
For your information, Episode 2 currently includes Episode 1, so enjoy it ;)
Thanks :) keep up the great work!
Thanks to you !
This game is Fantastic! Just seen the trailer and its Amazing!!! Just wanted to ask, Steam version will have animated characters or like parts of the game. Can't wait it to come to steam and buy it! Good luck and wish you best!
Thank you for your comment! Yes, in the Steam version, there will be more animations similar to what you saw in the trailer. The Steam version will also showcase the final quality I’m aiming for in upcoming episodes. Compared to the current version, the user interface (UI) will have undergone some adjustments, and new options will be available in the game. In terms of content, there will also be new additions, including the missing Monday night route and a few extra scenes.
Non c'est juste une partie de l'épisode 2
harem only or can you pursue solo Love Interests? pregnancy planned? multiple endings?
I paid for this game 55 days ago and it won't let me download the game just the demo unless I pay again?
This was not episode 2 V0.11 but an earlier version that is no longer current.
So I have to pay for each update?
for each episode, yes !
I purchased Episode 2 V0.11 does that mean I have to purchase the new update as well, or only when a new Episode comes out?
I’m not entirely sure how itch works—I know, it’s ironic, lol. But if you buy version V0.11 right now, you should normally get V0.11.1, which includes all the content released to date.
When the Steam version comes out, I’ll adjust the pricing structure so you’ll need Episode 1 and then purchase additional episodes for a small price. But don’t worry, you won’t need to rebuy everything. We’ll talk more about it when the time comes!
I've just restored the links to episode 1, so you should be able to download it from the platform again.
Si quelqu'un là déjà joué es ce que dans l'épisode 2 le jeux se termine à partir où les meurtriers ont élaboré un plan ?
Oui, quand les flics découvrent Rodriguo dans la bène
L'épisode 2 est payent aussi
how can i save maria??
Answer questions that aren't just about you or that are relevant to you. Think of Maria's interests instead.
thank you
The graphics are generally scary
Ayuda cómo desbloquear todas las escenas de Lexi y como resolver lo del cuadro de Alicia en el minijuego navideño de la hermana de Jason
the game is buged i cant start from the begining only has me starting in chapter 2 unless the doctor at the start is the beginging or chap 2
The game begins with a trip to the shrink and then the move. There's a variable error at the beginning (oops!) but it will be corrected in the next version.

start image
Thanks bro that helps i was like why is there no new game Button and Only Continue and starts me off on that that point
I bought on episode 1 and it's not giving me the option to download episode 2 without paying for it again. Is this an issue with itchio or intended?
It's hard to understand how this site works, but I think I know how it works.
For the rest of episode 2, these links will always be available
However, I deleted the episode 1 links so I think they're lost.
Whatever it did means those who bought episode 1 (or at least I) can't download episode 2 from our original purchase
Holy shit this looks so good. What software is used for the models??
I mainly use DAZ3D and do some post-processing with Photoshop.
10/10 theres a cat
Is Episode 1 also included in the €10 purchase or do you only get Episode 2? Do I have to pay again when Episode 3 is released, for example?
In each version I propose, the previous content is present.
The game is under development. All your contributions will help its development.
A chaque version que je propose, le contenu précédent est présent.
Le jeu est en cours de développement. Toutes vos participations aide à son développement.
Well.. visually the game is great!!! I can barely restrain myself from buying... but the limited choice is holding me back. Dear developers, please add more freedom to the player. For example, I don’t want to peek at Lexi in the bathroom, but I would look at her butt without panties on the stairs. later in the evening when she is sleeping, it would also make more sense to give the player a choice: remove the blanket from her and look at her crotch, or leave it alone and go to bed. and the next morning I would like to choose not to kiss her, but just say goodbye. I want to leave only friendly relations with her. It is probably difficult to implement all this, but if it is possible, I kindly ask you to do it. everyone would be happy! good luck in development!!!
and also.. when Lexi is dressed, she has small breasts, and when undressed, her breasts are larger.. or am I mistaken?
Hi, there,
It's possible not to watch Lexie change, just as it's possible not to watch her in the bathroom. The only thing we can't do is let Lexie go in the morning without something happening. I'll see if it's possible to do it, but it won't be immediate.
Her breasts are the same size, just that the big white shirt makes her breasts bigger at times.
thanks for the answer! I hope you do add more selection soon. will the main character have sex scenes with Nicole?
Probably !
So in the doctor’s office, she asks you about your sexuality. Even though you answer Bi or even Gay it still hooks you up with girls. I’ve played all three paths, straight, gay and bi. Even playing the gay path, Jason hooks up with girls. Any plans on that changing? I mean, if I’m gay, I have absolutely no interest in getting with a girl.
I know! The dialogues change from time to time, but the demand for gay content is so low that I've put it aside for the moment.
Besides, I have no intention of preventing a player from seeing a scene based on his first choice. At any moment, if the choices allow it, you can choose your destiny!
Don't search anymore. :) I'd like Jason to meet some cute sexy twink with blue eyes and either blond or black hair. Can be a student or a "working boy".
Also, don't worry about us gays not wanting to see straight action. Yes, it was weird because you don't expect it when you specifically select that he's gay, but Jason is a very sexy guy, so there was still a lot to look at. :)
I'm joining your Patreon right now, to get all the bonus content and answers...
I'm gay and the straight scenes didn't bother me (there's always some guy involved to look at). The only boring scenes can be the lesbian scenes, for obvious reasons.
But yes, it's weird when you choose being gay specifically. In the full version, I'll go as bi - both the straight and gay scenes will feel natural.
GREAT Quality renders. But please, for the love of GOD... fix your eye pose tracking so everyone's not cross-eyed. ;)
Hi, can you give me some examples of scenes where this happens? (Screenshot)
The download links are showing as unavailable
links updated
I have waited for awhile but the links are still not showing up even though i paid for it
im still getting a message saying nothing is available to download
And now ?
im seeing the same thing. Can't download anything.
Whats with the unselectible choice at the start of the game? Game only allows one choice to be selected there
The Mac version has some weird stuff going on:
The result is that if somebody tries to run it with a trusted copy of Ren'Py (which I always do for malware reasons), it breaks badly. No idea if it would work when you run it by double-clicking or not.
anybody found the alternate view for the working girl scene? Can't seem to find the right spot
Just look at the gleam in his neck. Nothing more, but the necklace gradually wakes up and Jason's behavior changes!
Hi, I'm trying to accept the discord link but it just keeps saying cannot accept. is there another way of getting the OTHER code? Thanks!
Try that code : https://discord.gg/hSWAbJCXym
I give the game four stars but I always give the details of my rating in the comments. Models are gorgeous and if there was any clipping issues in their design I didn't spot any. Frankly the story is way more intriguing than the game page leads you to believe with the mystical side of this visual novel. The element of " okay wait what is happening ?" is definitely present and I didn't see it coming when looking at the game page. Now why 4 and not 5? Has to do with the only real issue I have and it's a common issue which is pacing. I know there's a supernatural element involved but if there had been at least a Time skip of a week it wouldn't have felt so odd at times. The dialogue and everything is wonderfully written and different personalities captured very well. But I would have liked to have seen at least the illusion that sometime had passed and theMC had gotten time to know the characters at least in the background. But that's my personal taste I just always found the hole I know we just met but I think I love you thing kind of weird and jarring.
That being said I still think this visual novel is worth downloading to anyone who is a fan of erotic visual novels and I will be purchasing the paid version of the game in the coming days soon.
"Hello and thank you for taking the time to explain your feelings. Indeed, I agree with you about the timeline. Alex and Jason sleep together quickly. As much as with Lexie, they've known each other for a long time, with Alex it's quick. So why? Well, for two reasons. Firstly, the release requirements for the updates made me rush things (I find it hard to do quick timelines without explaining what's going on). But on the other hand, that's what happens if you choose to go home with Alex, having kissed him. In the next version, the other choices will be unlocked, and the relationship with Alex will happen if the player wants it later. Then there's the collar's grip, which makes Jason a magnet. With no control over it yet, everything seems to fall into his lap. But that's about to change. Jason is now aware of the necklace's presence, and his egoism will make him want to do without its services to go out with girls. A kind of challenge is about to set in between him and the demon."
"Bonjour et merci de prendre le temps d'expliquer vos sentiments. En effet, je suis d'accord avec vous concernant la chronologie. Alex et Jason couchent rapidement ensemble. Autant avec Lexie, ils se connaissent depuis longtemps, avec Alex c'est rapide. Alors pourquoi ? Eh bien, pour deux raisons. Tout d'abord, les exigences de publication pour les mises à jour m'ont poussé à précipiter les choses (j'ai du mal à faire des chronologies rapides sans expliquer ce qui se passe). Mais d'un autre côté, c'est ce qui se passe si vous choisissez de rentrer chez vous avec Alex, après l'avoir embrassé. Dans la prochaine version, les autres choix seront débloqués et la relation avec Alex se produira si le joueur le souhaite plus tard. Ensuite, il y a l'emprise du collier, qui fait de Jason un aimant. Sans contrôle encore, tout semble lui tomber dessus. Mais cela est sur le point de changer. Jason est maintenant conscient de la présence du collier, et son égoïsme le poussera à se passer de ses services pour sortir avec des filles. Une sorte de défi est sur le point de s'installer entre lui et le démon."
Mega link to PC version of JASON, Coming of age V0.8.3-i1 does not work
The Wonderland sequence doesn't work on Android: i click everywhere but doesn't find a color
Hi, so yes, I have to take over this part but you can do it. on the left there's a set of candles on the floor. You have to click on the flame of the one on the right. It's easy on PC but not so easy on Android. I'll try to change that.
Thanks dude, awesome game btw
I could be blind but when I get to the alice poster, it doesnt show the floor or any candles. The screen just goes unresponsive no matter where I click until it asks me if I want to give up
Is this another version or continuation
Hi, this is a sequel in which I've added 20 minutes of Christmas-based gameplay.
Do any of the girls have armpit hair?
Not yet visible in game
wasnt there a pc version for it?
Now it's available!
Awesome gameee. I'm definitely into the mature asian from the grocery :D. I wish there will be a scene with her, I will go patreon 100% for this! great work
Thanks for suggesting this game to me. I wasn't disappointed. 10/10